All About That Bass

Meghan Trainor

  • Genre: Pop
  • Release Date: 2014-06-10
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Video Length: 3:09

Music Video

About Meghan Trainor

Meghan Elizabeth Trainor (born December 22, 1993 in Nantucket, Massachusetts, U.S.) is an American singer-songwriter and television personality. Trainor rose to prominence with her 2014 debut single "All About That Bass", which topped the U.S. Billboard Hot 100 for eight consecutive weeks and topped the charts in other countries such as Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Germany, and the United Kingdom. At age 17, Trainor won the worldwide Sonicbids 2011 Tennessee Concerts Song Contest with her song "You're Good With Me. Read more on


  • Fat guy

    By cherry blossen
    Why is there a random fat fat in the video
  • All about that bass

    By jelebin
    Is really good like I’m assessed with it so it’s really good actually amazing you should listen to it
  • Let's make it clear.

    By Illuminess
    1. It's not shamming and beating up skinny people. 2. It's meant for encouragement for everyone who worries about their body. 3. Calm down haters. 4. Great song, five stars. 5. Bye. :p
  • I'm offended

    By 22222244444443
    Love the song I'm also skinny-ish Thank you some of my friends needed this song. P.S. I can't control how large or skinny I am
  • Hmm

    By Yeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssssssssss
    Love the song but, I am already skinny and I can’t help it so maybe don’t call us..... that word. Thank you.
  • B+

    By AllTheLadiesLuvLeo
    i think it had good intentions. It made me feel good about myself. i am 13 and on the thin side, but sometimes i think i look on the big side even though my family, doctor, etc tells me i'm not. i think meghan has a beautiful voice and her videos are super cute. however, it wasn't a very good idea to put in lyrics that suggest she is making fun of thinner people. i wish i was a little smaller because all my friends are sticks and all the guys i know are too and its just awkward to be a little bigger than you crush
  • Meghan Trainor Rocks

    By KbCheetah
    This is a great video and Meghan sings it great.
  • Good Song

    By Jordana1203
    Good Song
  • luv this song!

    By Waterpololover21
    I think that this song is awesome! she's not trying to shame skinny peoples, she just saying that you should love yourself the way you are, skinny or not.
  • One word to say! Hilarious! Meghan you make my day with this video!

    By tnevala
    Explicit part I can handle! This girl is hilarious! I feel sorry about her new video with altered hips!, but this video is a MUST! KEEP IT UP BECAUSE THIS VIDEO IS A GRAND HIT IN THE BALLPARK! ENJOY! :D

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