Can't Leave 'Em Alone


  • Genre: R&B/Soul
  • Release Date: 2003-04-28
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Video Length: 4:09

Music Video

About Ciara

Ciara Princess Wilson is an American singer. Born in Fort Hood, Texas, her family eventually settled in Atlanta, Georgia, where she joined the girl group Hearsay. She later signed a publishing deal and befriended producer Jazze Pha, who recorded demos that would appear on her debut album. With his help, Ciara signed a record deal with LaFace Records. In 2004, Ciara released her debut studio album, Goodies. It was certified triple platinum by the Read more on


  • Some info

    By musicuziluvit
    With her song Can't Leave 'Em Alone give her some credit. Cuz rather 50 cent is in it or not...well he's not! this video is a little crazy. I think this song is good with the passion, so here prove's just itself becuz only one other person cares rather 50's in this or not. So it duz matter! 50 Cent duz do a great part in this song. I feel that this is the only opportunity that has no guy voice which duz very little...but makes a BIG difference!
  • Can't Leave Ciara Alone, And That's A Promise!!

    By Lil LeLee ''06''
    HeyWuzGood!! I LOVE Ciara so much I am a really big fan, and everything she does I LOVE it. Can't Leave 'Em Alone is a very good video, and if you don't have you need to get it!!. The video is just laid back, but very sexy, also the video fit's the song very well. Enough said buy the video, support Ciara, oh yeah if you don't have the album The Evolution you need to get fantastic album. Thank's 4 Reading, Show Love yall!!

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