God Only Knows


  • Genre: Christian
  • Release Date: 2018-08-03
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Video Length: 4:22

Music Video

About for KING & COUNTRY

For King & Country is the new band name of the Australian brothers of Rebecca St. James, formerly known as Joel & Luke. ‘’We were born and raised in the southern hemisphere, the land down-under… Australia. And in case you can’t tell, we are brothers. Since before we can remember, music has been our life’s natural backdrop and soundtrack. Our Father was a music promoter turned entertainment manager which gave us a first hand introduction to a very eclectic mix of music and live shows. Read more on Last.fm


  • Love y’alls song

    By petty kitty
    Y’all are the best and god bless y’all with great songs
  • A hand

    By lancecrow312
    We will never fully know what's going on in each other's hearts and minds. Offer a hand to a friend and let them know that they're loved and cared for. A small gesture can change a person's life.
  • king and country

    By kellydetroit
    i randomly listen to christian pop but this song ..this group..there like christian version of imagine dragons..i'm late falling for them but i love it
  • Powerful

    By HeyVickieVickie
    Powerful video with an important message.

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