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  • Video Length: 0:00

Music Video



  • Good

    By miked804
    Piles had alot of hits, good beats different style in rapping with word usage, normal hip hop videos and the songs like this one did good on the radio and charts. Piles did good coming up in hip hop.
  • i like plies

    Ok for the guy who said it would be funny if they crash u stupid fresh by deathh
  • Nice Vid

    By crazidude
    This Is Probably Plies at His Best (other than Bust It Baby pt. 2)
  • P-P-P-P-P-Put it on ya

    By Muzikman8
    excellent new song wit Plies and Chris J. This is the best song that Plies has been in since Bust it Baby pt. 2. Even though most of Plies "Great" songs are featuring some other artist, he still gets credit where credit is due. This song has a hot beat and a fresh chorus. Plies tells ya how it is and Chris has the assist. Nicely done.
  • Miss Kari Babbyy

    By Kari Ann :)
    Plies--baby- comon now--at first i liked you, well jus lookin at you from your neck down..but n0w-its always, ALWAYS the same ole shi#. im sorry hunny but your gonna have to do better than this, and TAKE OUT THAT DAMN GRILL!--in order to get two bucks from me baby. click yessirr if you agree
  • no

    By Brina<$3
    ugh bad video plus get rid off the grills yo
  • Really?

    By twinzmuzic<3hiphop
    This video was totally awesome, but seriously Plies. If you're going to have grillz and gold ones at that, then put them on ALL of your teeth. Geez.
  • Haters gone hate

    By louisianaDC
    Plies is doing his thing and you haters keep hating because he is still going to do him
  • Thiz s0ng iz s0 h0t!!!!!!

    By Sportygirl777
    Thiz s0ng and vide0 iz hella hot!!!
  • How stupid can you get?

    By Im a geenuous
    Those aren't his teeth, genius, he's wearing grillz.