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Title Artist Time



  • Seriously the funniest thing ever

    By Aaron Devlin
    Funniest thing ever 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
  • Dr. Demento

    By Cande83821
    This song belongs on the Dr. Demento show.
  • He's Back at it again!

    By alncindi
    Cledus T has us all laughing again. His latest song pokes a little fun at country music star Luke Bryan. Women want him, Men want to be him. (Luke not Cledus T.) the song has a similar beat to Blurred Lines a top 40 hit from last summer and is full of fun lyrics and rhymes that really paint a picture of fortune and fame that come with country music superstardom. "Heck he"ll even sign your Ta Ta's". ( Cledus T. not Luke) I rate this a 6 stars on a 5 star scale. Would love to hear Cledus T, Colt Ford and Luke do this thing together sometime.