
  • Genre:
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Title Artist Time



  • lazy

    By lacrosse and chillllllllllllll
    Jon put some effort in please
  • Pretty decent for what it is

    By bulldog 135
    Nothing lyrically special, just a club banger. Nothing wrong with that. Sure there's objectification of women, but pretty much all rappers nowadays do that, so it's nothing new. If you just want something to dance & or headbang to, get it. If you want something with emotion, look elsewhere.
  • Love it

    By Azziegarza1234
    Get you pumped up even of you were at a party !!😊💖❤️😎
  • Bendover

    By Ritzibaby
    Bend ove rmake your knees touch ya elbows. bend ya back make your knees touch your elbows
  • Nice

    By Second best wrestler
    For all the people who spend they money and didn't like it I bet y'all feel stupid because I love this song worth my money and great party song you guys never been to a good party huh lames 😂😂😂😂
  • This Song Changed My Life

    By davidbeaner
    Never have I ever heard a song that has made me re evaluate my life for the better. I don't know guys.. Lil Jon just speaks to me on a spiritual level. "Bend Ova make yo' knees touch ya' elbows"- WOW.. speechless. He is encouraging young females to engage in physical fitness. What an emotional and deep individual. If I could buy millions of copies of this single I would. This is what we need to be fighting for in our schools, not prayer. "Bend Ova" IS LIFE. IT IS LOVE. LIL JON is forever immortalized with this song, let it speak to your heart. Praise be to Lil Jon and Tyga for this masterpiece. Legendary.
  • Love ❤️

    By ATL_
    This beat is fire 🔥🔥🔥🔥
  • Nope

    By Museye
    This isn't music is a cow mooing its terrible wish I could give it 0 stars
  • Crap

    By Alyjv27
  • Terrible

    By Rodeoclown987
    Absolute crap rap is nothing anymore