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Title Artist Time



  • Only Two Songs Stand Out

    By ♪♫♪♫♪
    1) Never Should Have 2) She Can’t I can listen to the songs over and over again. The rest of the album are generic and common. I like “Braveheart” but it’s too long with the intro. Ashanti could have separated the intro. I’m waiting for the edited version of “Braveheart”.
  • Sorry Ashanti another flop

    By Missga9443
    Only songs that are somewhat decent feature another artist. Just a bunch of screaming.
  • How about an album with NOheart!

    By Toya3000
    There's nothing that exemplifies a Braveheart on this album…it's weak to say the least. You'd think she would have something different and better to bring to the table after such a long hiatus. Out of the 5 albums she's released, this is the worst!
  • Sigh...

    By Zoe sexy
    I was hoping to download at least one track! Brave heart intro came close... But chose not to....
  • Aw man

    By Nique Perrier
    I want to see her win again. But this isn't it.
  • Back Like She Never Left

    By MahoganyShannon
    I love this bodywork. She definitely didn't miss a beat with this one. I can listen to album from start to finish. And the overall production quality is amazing. I'm a DJ and I can't wait to play some in the clubs! @MahoganyInMedia
  • Loving it!

    By GingerMC*
    Ashanti is back! It took some time but I think she got it right. Welcome back mama!!