
  • Genre:
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Title Artist Time



  • AMAZING!!!

    By Xx_Otaku_Kid_xX
    This album is so amazing It will truly amazing,it will change your life. A lot of people need God in there life and listening to Christian music and really understanding the words Will help you form a better relationship with God!!!
  • I was there

    By GerardWayFan
    I was present at one of the venues they preformed to create this album. It was at Sonshine festival in Wilmar MN It was life-changing
  • WOW

    By Isaiah Kline
    All the songs in the album almost make me cry
  • My favorite part

    By a_messenger_for_God
    My favorite part is the God's Not Dead message because Jeff Frankinstien is not just amazing but very intelligent with the bible (if that makes sence).
  • It's a great album, but not legit!

    By Snaby777
    This is great album, but don't expect them to sound like this at a real concert. They've auto tuned Michael Tait's vocals.
  • Awesome

    By mymenotti
    This is the most awesome awesome album I love it