If you never been in the situation she has been in with Joe then you would never understand everybody has that one person they try to leave behind but can never let them go because they have you something that gets you caught up that you can't control you feel so lost you without them no matter how many times you try to ride out you always I mean always keep going back. Music is about reaching out to people who is going through the same pain you are and I believe Tahiry has done this for me with this song because I was going through the same things she was in this song and it made me really think about my relationship and I 👏👏 commend her for this . Thanks Tahiry !
Love It!!!
By boston's•finest
I don't think I could say it better than the review before mine. If you've been there this song hits you on a whole other level. I don't know why some people are knocking Tahiry's voice. She sounds better than half of the "artists" out now without auto-tune!
True Words!!
By Emiko Lee
If you never been there you would never understand!!!