
  • Genre:
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Title Artist Time



  • Great Job

    By Jwall 59428
    This album is overall great. I thought it was awesome. Stray Heart is my favorite by far. This album was released over 4 years ago so probably no one will see this review. But after years, it's still incredible.
  • Pie

    By Hdhdhddjjdhdjd
    Pretty good. But nightlife is a shame
  • Not cool iTunes!

    By Robbbbbbbbbbbbbo
    Gee thanks itunes for letting me know that it was the cencored version! I WANT MY MONEY BACK. But no i wont get it. Dont get me wrong its a five star album WHEN ITS NOT CENCORED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Interesting

    By TRBrenner
    Ok, it's not interesting. This is horrible. A disgrace to Green Day. They have officially hurt their legacy with this trash.
  • *Sigh*

    By carlosjlf
    I see two identical albums, so I pick the first one I see. And I realize that it's the censored album. iTunes or whoever uploaded the album did not make it clear.... And seriously, I've never seen Green Day make a censored version of an album! But whatever... I already spent $10 and I'm not spending $10 so I can hear them use the f-word. But overall, it's a great album, love it! But please make it obvious that this is the clean version!
  • ¡UNO! ¡DOS! ¡TRE!

    By True____s**t
    I love it just as much as the rest of the albums....it took a while but now they're their old selfs again :) 👍👌
  • You didn't publish my first review

    By Rnb2241
    I give it five stars because sounds like a punk band should whatever they want to put out just be happy it's not other bands with a 2 second f(((ng jerk song . But don't get me wrong that's good too
  • Just ok

    By Baller336
    We've heard better from green day. Personally I think UNO! Was much better DOS! Is just ok
  • Good album but beware

    By …NataS…
    iTunes on iPhone doesn't make this clear, but this is the censored version. LAME
  • Keeping it going!

    By Ilovemygirlfriend23
    they are still around and as good as ever.. gotta love em! green day for life!