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Title Artist Time



  • Not Orthodox

    By sobercoolcat
    As a Deacon in the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia(ROCOR) I can state that this particular rendition of the Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom would never be served in any Eastern Orthodox Church in the world. This is Byzantine Catholic. The Roman Catholic Church has many parishes that are eastern rite. The Eastern Orthodox Church does not commemorate the Pope in Rome. If you are an Orthodox Christian looking for the Divine Liturgy in English, this is not it.
  • Fantastic

    By Kawaha
    Truly an amazing work. If you've had the chance to attend orthodox liturgy it is a beautiful thing to behold. Hearing the liturgy done this way makes it that much more memorable.
  • Another masterpiece

    By John Peyton
    Like Hurko's other works, this liturgy setting is simply divine. Its being in English has added personal value for me.
  • Mystical

    By fb3rdfl
    Absolutely divine. If liturgy is an experience that puts you momentarily in touch with eternity, I felt I was partly there when I heard this album. A mystical experience.
  • Sublime !!!

    Moves the soul towards heaven.