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Title Artist Time



  • Yo Gotti

    By Young Rone
    I've Seen the vide for this but instead of Plies it had Yo Gotti. Either it was a remix, or Plies couldn't be at the video shoot, or Plies just got ropped off. I HATE plies but he was decent on this track. Could there please be a version where they replace Jim Jones with Yo Gotti version and the Plies version? I hope so. I love Yo Gotti's part too. But I hate Jim Jones soooo much. This song would be amazing without him. Would be 5 stars without Jim Jones
  • PLIES!

    By BeeLoveBeeHappy
    Plies made this song hot for sure.
  • Banger

    By Playax08
    this song is hot!...hot corus hot versus....DJ kay slay knows good music....plies kills it
  • Corny

    By John Malozzi
    Same ol' ish. Why can't hip-hop move forward?
  • plies

    By bluediamondstuds
    plies verse wuz actually decent on this, normally he whack as f
  • Ah KaySlay Stick to producing!

    By DertbaGGz
    C'mon G u do aight on that mixtape ish but rhymin?