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Title Artist Time



  • Awesome!

    By Lexa_37
    I don't listen to anything that's not country but these songs are amazing.
  • Love MP

    By Gizzle.........
    I agree with Renee, you guys want Jason, listen to Go Radio.... A real Mayday Parade fan would love Mayday Parade with Jason or not... Btw this album rules! I love this album! Kids in love is my fav song on this album <3
  • Love it!

    By itsemmaly
    This album is amazzzzzing :3
  • Secret love

    By Clockworkhuman
    my escape
  • Save your heart...and leave

    By Emma♫
    Jason left....big deal get over it. He's obviously not coming back and honestly, who cares? I personally love Mayday Parade without him. He has his own band now (which most people have never heard of) and it seems like Mayday Parade is doing just fine without him. Who's going to Warped Tour 2012? Who's songs cost more because they're more popular? So honestly, quit moping cause Jason's not there anymore and go listen to Go Radio instead of blowing up Mayday Parade's reviews with your useless complaints.
  • hoes gon' be hoes/

    By Melanie St John
    if you dont have anything nice to say dont say it nasty betchys. mayday parade. you saved my life.
  • If you want a normal, non-biased review then read this

    By Culla94
    I dont know much about mayday parade since i really do not follow bands. I've noticed people are saying their sound is changing and what not but honestly i bought both this album and a lesson in romantics at the same time and I listen to them together on shuffle, I really can't tell any difference. Actual major Mayday Parade fans will say im crazy for that but its just what ive noticed. Also what I've noticed is that these guys are awesome, I can't find a single song I do not like! I went back and looked at all the songs off each album separately and noticed most of my favorites are from this album, but I'm not saying its better or worse...im saying this is a great band and definitely worth getting into!
  • Better without Jason

    By ipoder51
    Derek's voice is only about 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000x better than Jason's!!!!! Jason was ok, Derek is sooooo much better!!!!
  • It's personal

    By AlyAutomatic
    Despite the fact that a lot of people dislike this album compared to other Mayday Parade records, I actually really enjoy it. I think it still shows the raw emotion that the other MP records display. It's very personal to me because at one point in time, I could relate to it so well, it's like I could have written it myself. I feel really strongly about this album. Also, a lot of it is co written, which makes it not as personalm which explains why it's different from their other records. Honestly this album is what rekindled my love for this band.
  • What are you all talking about?

    By vanillachoco
    Yes, yes, Jason is gone. But Jason isn't what makes up Mayday Parade. It's the funny but deep titles, the signature drum beats and guitar riffs, and the strange yet meaningful sorta-generic lyrics that makes Mayday Parade what it is. No matter what, they're still as amazing as they were before.