
  • Genre:
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Title Artist Time



  • Scott

    By iufidsufigodug
    this is def my favorite album Jon Young and J. Cash are amazing.. Theyre an example of what hip hop should be these days.
  • I Love.....

    By 407_Orlando_Babii
    The music and everything they do in Orlando! Me and my boyfriend relate to a lot of your songs and thats something i really like about them. Cant wait to see them at J-Mart or West Oaks Mall again. haha. Oh they put on GREAT shows too, they know how to get the people hyped up. I cant wait to get more from them soon!
  • yayyyy!

    By mileysamazinggg
    I love Jon young, and i've been waiting for this FOREVER. floridaaaaaaaa, baby.
  • good stuff but...

    By c-whid12
    bro check out his other albums on myspace...they r much better!