Respect the innovators..
By Regressive
It's no surprise to me that PBW puts out another banger, he's been diggin' for decades. This is just one more of his must-buy albums. Hip hop never died, and never will. As with any good music, you just gotta know where to look.
Anyone choosing to disrespect this sound in comparison to what passes for hip hop on the radio these days, do what you feel cause this music aint for you. Peanut Butter Wolf, Madlib, Dilla (RIP), these are artists making music for those who have a dedicated sense of hip hop, the ones who do their homework. These are OUR rewards. Not to be touched by the stinkfingers of mainstream.
Good SH**
Go Money - this is the real. All I can say is thank you for this.
One of the Best Stones Throw Comps
By My Weiner is Huge
The best track on the comp is Hydrant Game by Quasimoto, listen to it, it is so good, also listen to Mash's Revenge! But seriously its worth every penny and high five to peanut butter wolf!
what else would you expect from stones throw?
By Frame-The-Music
This CD is worth it for the reworked Dilla songs alone, especially since they feature three of the best MCs ever, Talib Kweli, MF Doom, and Q-Tip. Besides that all the regular Stones Throw staples bring it strong. Madlib/ Quasimoto, Oh No (Madlibs brother), Guilty Simpson, Percee P, and J Rocc bring their best to the game. if you're new to Stones Throw this is a good starter. if you already know stones throw this is a must own.
musical air freshener....
By mquinlan
Just when the game is getting flooded with pop hits and chart topping rerun tracks, this comes out. Cleaning out the air of all the old grime and stank, PBW comes up with something fresh, smooth, and sexy. If this isn't the kind of charge that music needed, then I don't know what'll do it. But if you ask me, which nobody did, your search is over. Put down your drink and your two step, and pick up this album.
By yung joc
good album and game