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Title Artist Time



  • A Native

    By Rushing Water
    While this may not be the root of my musical heritage, I still appreciate Native influenced tranquility. Just because "country" isn't as raw and organic as "bluegrass" does not make it any less an expressive form of musical communication -- just differences in tatse. I do agree many people have tried to warp Native American Spiritualism and heritage for their monetary benefit, and it is for this reason I shy from many so called ethnic albulms. However, I do enjoy Native tastes in all genres. I am not suggesting we throw away who we are on the inside and "eat" whatever other cultues shove on our table. The government could have paid for my college, but I would never disgrace my ancestors or myself by accepting any so called retribution from the descendents of the like of Andrew Jackson. There is no existing retribution known to man for thousands of dead natives and ancestors except to leave me alone! I have therefore worked my way through college. So, never except something because it is merely given with a label, rather evaluate it for how it can be either enjoyed, used, or cast away.
  • Oh, God.

    By Yotsuba&
    This is white crap. Get some real NATIVE --- not INDIAN, that's a country in ASIA --- music from real NATIVES. I'm so sick and tired of this new age --- what was the word, "pretendian"? nice one --- crap that reflects absolutely nothing on real native, tribal music. Pleaaaaaase, for the love of whatever deity you worship, DO NOT BUY THIS.
  • Not Indian

    By Cree_Bohunk
    This a "pretendian" new age rip off on traditional cultures and downright cultural misapropriation. If you want to listen to real native music (aka what real NDNs listen/dance to) look up Northern Cree, Black Lodge Singers or Red Bull.