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Title Artist Time



  • Great death metal

    By tribal gear
    Good album
  • I love it, other people might not

    By chuckers13
    I love the raw, evil sound of this album. It has some awesome rffs and the drums just go and make you happy. I have the CD version with the Bestial Devastation EP so thats another plus. All around it great, but the quality is low considering their from one of the poores countries and it was made in the 80s.
  • A Great start

    By Kerry Burgerking
    This album just goes to show that these guys had there own sound from the very beginning. The combination of growls/grunts, doom riffs, tempo shifts, and insane drumming really made the guys stand out amongst the other brazilian thrash bands. Besides Dorsal Atlantica, these guys were the first to really master their own sound. Plus as far as sound quality goes, its pretty clear its been updated at least slightly and in my opinion sounds pretty good. By no means is this their best album(my opinion Arise), but is still a must have for any real metalheads. Besides that I would like to note that itunes should really get more classic brazilian metal( MX, Sacrofago, Mutilator, Vulcano, Chakal, Dorsal Atlantica, Holocausto for example)
  • I like Sepultura a lot, but this album is just meh.....

    By 12disneyhater
    If you want to get into Sepultura, start with Chaos A.D. and go from there. Don't listen to this.
  • Early Classic Death Metal

    By Ed WasHEre
    The Bloody Roots of Sepultura are seeded in beginings of Death Metal mixed in with Speed/Thrash. Along with "Seven Churches" and "Scream Bloody Gore",Sepulturas' "Morbid Visions" has an important place in Metal history being that it's the first brazil Death Metal album. A must have for any Hardcore Death Metal fan.
  • Classic

    By DeathMetalMagic
    Still one of my favorites.
  • I'm a hardcore sepultura

    By Diestra
    I'm amazed how sepultura evolved from these 1st eps to their first full album Schizophrenia. These Eps are fun to listen to maybe a couple of times but defenetly are very amateur. The songs are pretty much horrible but you can still hear a hint of what was to come. If you're a fan you must own this
  • Simply awesome

    By Razor4x
    Sepultura was great in 80s, what happened to them in 90s and 00s I still wonder.
  • AWSOME SPEEED!!!!!!!

    By deaththrasheavyblavk
    this albuum is thras, its AWSOOOOOOOOOME!!!!!!!! morbid visions and crucifixion.
  • Great death metal

    By Labinnac77
    If you like Sepultura and death metal, then you'll love this. Early death and thrash metal were so heavy and evil. This spits in the face of all these deahcore imitators. Buy it!