By Xmannyc
Why would you do this to such a gorgeous song???? Thank GOD the original still exists. This “New” direction you’ve taken is truly awful! Madame X needs to be put to rest. This Kardashian look needs to go as well. I get the reinvention. Always loved and respected it. This is not reinvented. You’re copying glamour hood and it’s simply atrocious!!! Leave it to the young rap girls. The grill? Lose it! Where’s my girl? Who are you???? 🙏🏼
By OrangePeelNeilNeil
Gaga is awful
Madonna always rules !
By Jpnjunior
This one is the best
Again???? i’m gonna vomit
By JckXXvI
Getting tired of this same repeatitive song! You need a new team Madonna! If only itunes have 0 star surely i’ll be one that would rate as 0 star for this trash repeatitive song..
By Shanetb
Way to ruin a classic. Let's think forward not backwards and at the same time desperately trying to stay current. Sad.
This one ☝️ is sick
This new version finally has a new verse by Madonna which it was missing from the other two versions. I enjoyed this one a lot more.
Frozen on Fire IS F🔥RE!!
By gscepi
By far the greatest of all the Frozen re mixes. Sickick is top notch here, & M’s even laid down new haunting vocals that flow beautifully with both the OG Frozen, & Sickicks revitalized masterpiece.