
  • Genre:
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Title Artist Time



  • Awesome OST, but..

    By Effect88
    I enjoyed Gathering Hub festival themes and Astera themes.. Sadly, they are not in this soundtrack.
  • Better Than It Has A Right To Be

    By Anthym
    For a game about killing big monsters, this album has an incredible amount of depth - although the same could be said for the game. Although a good number of the tracks fall into the stereotypical "Big Brass and Drums" sound (can we move past this in fantasy games, please?), there are just as many tracks with incredibly nuanced and gorgeous orchestral arrangment. As a rule, anything on here by Yuko Komiyama is solid gold. I am not sure why Capcom felt the need to include 18 - 45 second stings, or why I should pay 69 cents for each of them, but I happily bought the genius half of this album.
  • Amazing!!

    By Blue Katana
    Monster Hunter has such a great soundtrack
  • Git gud

    By Kalasey
  • Steam!

    By Dun Poke Mah Phone
    If you purchased the game on steam you can get the soundtrack for 17.99$
  • #BestGameEver

    By Thel'Vadam
    This game is actually amazing I can’t believe how I survived without this game
  • Absolutely Wild

    By SentinelSeptim
    The music of this game was expected to be excellent in my eyes for I have been a long time player of the Monster Hunter franchise, but this blew my mind even so with the astounding level of emotion and vigor placed within each note and chord. This is truly a soundtrack that needs all ears. Do not hesitate to buy even one track from this list of masterpieces.
  • Finally Here!

    By Jwwjww1515
    I was waiting for so long for it to become available on iTunes! I've been listening to it on YouTube nonstop!
  • Awesome hunting tunes!

    By ikki_asura
    really great soundtrack, go watch the making of monster hunter bonus, and play the game, you’ll experience that much effort was given to the music. so also buy this soundtrack :] it also includes petting poogie.
  • Outstanding

    By Dragonux
    Truly love the soundtrack just as the game.